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Case Study

Tree Survey in Reading

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Arbtech were approached by a client who we had worked with in the past who wanted advice on a development in Reading. This client values our advice so much that they regularly come back to us for future projects in and around Reading.

On this occasion, our client, an architect was working for someone who wanted to develop land which had a large root protection area on their land which created a large constraint on the development. The client had plans to create a sunken garden, but with the root protection area in place, they were not sure how to proceed.

Our client asked us to check the plans and provide a quote for a tree survey, an arboricultural impact assessment and a tree protection plan /arboricultural method statement.

Initial Feedback

Our senior consultant, Jon Hartley got to work on this project and provided some initial feedback to our client advising that the root protection area and the crown spread did indeed present a significant constraint on development but that it may be possible to proceed with the sunken garden depending on the root activity on the site.

Next Steps

Our client was keen to proceed and we sent a quote on the same day which explained everything that needed to be done clearly. After Jon answered some questions more from the client, we received our survey booking form so that we could get to work.

The Initial Site Visit

Jon arranged a date to visit the site so that he could assess the area and determine what kind of constraints were present. Jon surveyed a total of 3 trees on the site and wrote a report to present his findings.

2 of the trees on the site were high-quality trees that would be considered constraints to development and in order for the local planning authority to approve the development, further investigation would be needed to show that the development would not impact the stability or health of the tree.

This investigation would be done by carrying out a trial excavation using and Airspade. Jon recommended a third party company who specialises in Airspade that Arbtech has worked with many times.

Jon needed to go along to the site whilst this trail excavation was done in order to make sure that no trees were damaged. During the excavation, we found that there were no roots within the alignment of the proposed sunken garden which was great news for our clients. Jon reported our findings back to the client along with photos of the excavation.

Tree Surveys

Now that the issue of the root protection area had been addressed, it was time for Jon to complete a suite of reports to the BS5837 standard. These reports included the arboricultural impact assessment, tree protection plan and arboricultural method statement.

These reports we sent to the client to assist in the planning process and we were happy to hear that the client gained the planning permission they wanted.

Overall, this was a fairly typical project for Jon apart from the complication of the root protection area which meant that extra time was needed to achive planning permission for our client.

Jon is available for tree survey working throughout the south and completes many projects in and around Reading.

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