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Annabel Sharpe

What made you choose Arbtech?

I had taken a course with two people who, by the following year of the course, started working for Arbtech. In the meantime, I freelanced for the company doing bat surveys on top of my regular job and heard all about the company from their point of view and with encouraging input from them about the role.

So, when offered a position at the company, I happily took it.

What do you love most about the company?

The trust to get on with the work at hand and manage my own time.

I’ve been in jobs in the past with high levels of micromanaging. Not only does that put stress on the workers having someone breathing down their neck, but also on managers who are under that pressure to micromanage on top of their own job.

The staff are incredibly helpful and encouraging, from everyone at Arbtech HQ to the ecological and arboricultural surveyors in various parts of the country. Even though we don’t all work in an office together, we still have that sense of a happy workplace. In addition, every effort is put in place to ensure the well-being of the staff.

What do you do when you are not at Arbtech?

I’m usually out in the field from dawn to dusk tracking down wildlife to photograph, though nine times out of ten, this ends up resulting solely in bird photography. I like photographing most wildlife, but it’s not as easy coming across reptiles and amphibians compared to birds. People think it’s crazy getting up that early on a weekend, but the best wildlife is always spotted around dawn.

On more miserable days, I may be inside playing games or working on my creative skills of sewing and painting.

What is your biggest tip to achieve the most in life?

  • Experience and personality are key, more so than qualifications.
  • Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  • You don’t have to settle for the first role your degree gives you.

You will find when you leave university that, despite the good grades, you get so many employers who want you to already have experience. It’s best to get this in as early as possible. I found residential volunteering in a variety of roles helpful, though you have to be very good at money management, as I did many roles unpaid. It was, however, worthwhile, as it helped me work out where I wanted to go in life.

What is the best social you’ve been on at Arbtech?

Unfortunately, I am yet to go on one, but I’m sure that will change soon and I am excited to get involved.

Where do you want to travel to next?

I’m not a big travel person, but I’m hoping to visit Skomer Island for some puffin photography this year. I just need to buy a tent first so I can camp right nearby on the mainland.

I haven’t been abroad in over a decade, but only because it is not something I’m interested in and I believe the UK has so much to offer.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

Hopefully where I am now, but far more experienced and confident in myself. I’ve spent the last ten years bouncing around the place in different jobs, different locations and seasonal positions, so a lot of to and from, and never staying in one place for long. In fact, after moving to Dorset in 2022, it was the first time I spent at least one full year in the same location since leaving university.

Thinking long-term, it would be nice to stay settled for a while at last.

What is a goal you have for the future, in or out of work?

Though I’d like to be able to buy my own place somewhere quiet and remote, living in an expensive part of the country makes it difficult to believe that it will happen any time soon. I’d still like to set it as a goal though. I wouldn’t want anywhere big. I’m thinking of a tiny cottage situated somewhere small with a nice garden attached.

I would also like to achieve several species licences and maybe help the local reserves with surveying in my spare time. It is also a goal of mine to try bird ringing, despite the unsocial hours doing so. Dorset is a key area for this and there are certainly lots of protected species in this part of the country. I’d love to try and track down and photograph species I won’t see in this part of the country, those either in the north or in Scotland.

Annabel joined Arbtech in September 2022.

Job Title

Consultant Ecologist


  • BSc Environmental Science: Biodiversity and Conservation, University of Plymouth
  • Certificate in Ecological Consultancy, Ecology Training UK

Professional Experience

  • Ecology

Specialist Areas

  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation


    Wildlife Photography, Gaming, Sewing and Painting

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Scott Warren

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Finance Manager
Andy Ward

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Marketing Manager
Craig Williams

Craig Williams

Principal Ecologist & BNG Lead
Natalie Evans

Natalie Evans

Principal Ecologist & Bat Licence Lead
Jonathan Stuttard

Jonathan Stuttard

Principal Ecologist & Herpetofauna Lead
Nicole Gullan

Nicole Gullan

Senior Ecologist
Mel Reid

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Josephine McCarthy

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Fay Brotherhood

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Elen Griffin

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Merry Anderson

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Beth Ellison-Perrett

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James Fielding

James Fielding

Consultant Ecologist
George Collier-Smith

George Collier-Smith

Consultant Ecologist
Matthew Middle

Matthew Middle

Principal Arboriculturist & BS5837 Lead
Jon Hartley

Jon Hartley

Principal Arboriculturist & Employee Development Lead
Aran Nearn

Aran Nearn

Commerical Lead
Alan Thompson

Alan Thompson

Senior Arboriculturist
Matt Edwards

Matt Edwards

Senior Arboriculturist
Emily Kempson

Emily Kempson

Senior Arboriculturist
Jim Green

Jim Green

Consultant Arboriculturist
Charlie Moore

Charlie Moore

Consultant Arboriculturist
Chris Wren

Chris Wren

Consultant Arboriculturist
Thomas Parkinson

Thomas Parkinson

CAD Technician
Clare Swinburn

Clare Swinburn

Office Manager
Sally Parry

Sally Parry

Senior Sales Advisor
Emma Gray

Emma Gray

Donna Swinburn

Donna Swinburn

Charlotte Calvert

Charlotte Calvert

Ann Balshaw

Ann Balshaw

Chris Jarvis

Chris Jarvis

Finance Administrator
Rob Lambert

Rob Lambert

Gill Broad

Gill Broad

Harriet Paul

Harriet Paul

Finance Administrator
Hannah Bramley

Hannah Bramley

PA to Robert Oates
Alan Smith

Alan Smith

Consultant Arboriculturist
Michelle Huang

Michelle Huang

Consultant Ecologist
Josie Cooper

Josie Cooper

Consultant Ecologist
Ben Newbery

Ben Newbery

Consultant Ecologist
Dean Meadows

Dean Meadows

Principal Arboriculturist & Tree Risk Lead
Sally Hall

Sally Hall

Consultant Ecologist
Jessica Sibley

Jessica Sibley

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Rhiannon Jensen-O’Brien

Rhiannon Jensen-O’Brien

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Romany Poole

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Tom Ramm

Tom Ramm

Arboricultural Surveyor
Marlies Brenninkmeyer

Marlies Brenninkmeyer

Abby Smith

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Lyric Palmer

Lyric Palmer

Bat Survey Coordinator
Shaun Rowe

Shaun Rowe

Graduate Arboriculturist
Charlie Drapala

Charlie Drapala

Consultant Ecologist
Phil Gower

Phil Gower

Consultant Arboriculturist
Rob Dennis

Rob Dennis

Arboricultural Surveyor
Olga Hermann

Olga Hermann

Ecological Surveyor
Jamie-Lee Anderson

Jamie-Lee Anderson

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Chris Poplett

Chris Poplett

Arboricultural Surveyor
Anthony Jones

Anthony Jones

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Fearghus Gage

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Chantae Wells

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Alexie Jenkins

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Hannah Upshall

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Emma Platts

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Millie Holland

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Nick Smith

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Georgia Knight

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Jeremy Grout

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Georgina Rennie

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Tom Baron

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Jamie Bolton

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Annalea Moulton

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Codie Schofield

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Abby Pidgen

Abby Pidgen

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Kelly Clarke

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Matt Halligan

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